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Education is a real luxury in Bangladesh, especially for people from ethnic minorities, for girls and for children with disabilities. For the development of the country, it is important that all children can attend school in order to break the vicious circle of illiteracy and poverty in the long run. Education not only solves the problem of overpopulation, improves medical care and waste disposal, but also provides a dignified job.


Our project in Mymensingh

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IBAN: LU27 1111 0868 8772 0000

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The project in brief:

Our partner, the Protibondhi Community Center (PCC) is implementing a three-action project:

The first action was initiated a few years ago by young people from ethnic minorities. Thirty students receive a scholarship to continue their studies. In return, they teach several hours a day in the partner's elementary school, which is currently attended by 1175 children from poor families. School materials and some of the classroom equipment and renovations are paid for by CSI. All students participate in ongoing training to prepare them for their teaching duties and to ensure the quality of teaching.

The second action is equal access to education and rights for minorities. 80 young people receive scholarships to continue their education. Students, parents and members of civil society participate in awareness-raising workshops on gender equality and human rights. Young people learn about their rights and how to assert them in everyday life.  The aim is to end discrimination in different areas of life (including school) and to promote the rights of girls.

In the third component, 239 children living with a disability have access to an elementary school. They are taught according to their skills by specialized teachers. In addition to the registration fees, school materials are provided. The physical abilities of the children are also stimulated. Thus, the children are taken care of by physiotherapists and receive, if necessary, medical equipment (wheelchair, hearing aid, etc.) to facilitate their daily life. In addition, the toilets and classrooms are adapted to the needs of the children as part of the renovation work. In order to improve the situation of the children in the long term, their environment must also be included in the project : their families and the general public are made aware of how to treat people with disabilities during various workshops.

Project budget:

Total project cost (2021-2024) : Coûts du projet (2021-2024):  €616.123,27

80% of this amount will be provided by the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry. The rest will be covered by CSI together with the partner organisation.

Café pour la bonne cause

Avec le café on ne peut non seulement faire quelque chose de bien à soi-même mais aussi aux autres. Car par l'achat du café équitable de CSI, vous soutenez un projet de CSI en faveur d'enfants et de jeunes défavorisés au Bangladesh. 

Le café est disponible en grains et moulu et peut être commandé chez CSI. Livraison gratuite à partir de 75 euros.


CSI Luxembourg est une organisation non-gouvernementale luxembourgeoise, qui soutient depuis 1989 des personnes marginalisées et défavorisées dans les pays en voie de développement. Notre objectif consiste à sortir ces gens de la pauvreté via des projets concrets pour leur offrir des nouvelles perspectives d'avenir.

A côté de l'aide au développement, CSI est également actif dans l'éducation au développement, c'est-à-dire que nous sensibilisons des enfants d'écoles primaires luxembourgeoises à l'importance de l'accès à l'éducation à travers différentes activités.

Compte pour les dons à CSI:
IBAN: LU27 1111 0868 8772 0000


51, rue de Strasbourg
L-2561 Luxembourg
+ 352 26 64 93 89

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