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"Now, we learn": Ensuring Every Child Has Access to Education

As World Children’s Day on November 20 reminds us of the importance of access to education for all, 250 million children and youth around the world are still denied this fundamental right. Poverty, lack of infrastructure, disability, conflict, and gender inequality are just some of the major challenges that prevent millions of children from developing their potential and fully participating in society.

  1. Poverty: Although education is recognized as a fundamental right, access to school is often limited for children from poor families. The cost of uniforms, school supplies, and even meals represents an insurmountable financial obstacle for many families.
  2. Lack of Infrastructure: In some regions, schools are scarce, distant, or poorly equipped. Overcrowded classrooms, a lack of basic educational materials, and the absence of suitable learning conditions severely affect the quality of education, discouraging many children and families.
  3. Children with Disabilities: Disabled children are often marginalized and excluded from the education system due to a lack of resources and infrastructure to accommodate them.
  4. Girls and Education: Being a girl remains a major obstacle in many countries where girls’ education is often neglected. In some cultures, domestic responsibilities, early marriages, and insecurity keep girls out of school, severely restricting their future opportunities.
  5. Conflicts: In conflict-affected areas, schools are often destroyed or requisitioned, denying children their right to education. Displaced families are left helpless, and education becomes an unattainable luxury, resulting in a generation of uneducated children.

CSI Lëtzebuerg’s Commitment: Educating to Change Lives

To overcome these challenges, CSI Lëtzebuerg runs several educational projects in collaboration with local partners around the world (in Asia and Africa), in countries such as Tanzania, Bangladesh, and Rwanda. These initiatives cover a wide range of actions: school construction and renovation, distribution of school supplies, teacher training, and awareness-raising on children’s rights and the importance of inclusive education.

Here are some inspiring stories of children supported by CSI:

  • Jean, in Tanzania: CSI, in partnership with its local partner, is involved in building and renovating schools in rural areas where children face the greatest difficulties in accessing quality education.
    Bonna, Ikra, and Fatema, in Bangladesh: Facing pervasive poverty, these children were able to continue their education through CSI's school support programs, which provide meals, school supplies, and cover tuition fees.
    Beracca, in Rwanda: Through our program in partnership with Maison Shalom, we have provided Beracca, who fled the conflict in her country, with a safe educational environment, along with psychological and material support.

These stories, and many others, are the result of collaboration between CSI Lëtzebuerg, local communities, and committed local partners. These projects not only enable children to build their futures but also contribute to the development of their communities. They benefit not just the children but entire families and communities.

A More Equitable Future Within Our Reach

Café pour la bonne cause

Avec le café on ne peut non seulement faire quelque chose de bien à soi-même mais aussi aux autres. Car par l'achat du café équitable de CSI, vous soutenez un projet de CSI en faveur d'enfants et de jeunes défavorisés au Bangladesh. 

Le café est disponible en grains et moulu et peut être commandé chez CSI. Livraison gratuite à partir de 75 euros.


CSI Luxembourg est une organisation non-gouvernementale luxembourgeoise, qui soutient depuis 1989 des personnes marginalisées et défavorisées dans les pays en voie de développement. Notre objectif consiste à sortir ces gens de la pauvreté via des projets concrets pour leur offrir des nouvelles perspectives d'avenir.

A côté de l'aide au développement, CSI est également actif dans l'éducation au développement, c'est-à-dire que nous sensibilisons des enfants d'écoles primaires luxembourgeoises à l'importance de l'accès à l'éducation à travers différentes activités.

Compte pour les dons à CSI:
IBAN: LU27 1111 0868 8772 0000


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L-2561 Luxembourg
+ 352 26 64 93 89

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