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As a result of political unrest in their country, 80 000 Burundians have fled to Rwanda. Most of them are living in refugee camps along the border, but others have moved into town, where they themselves have to find somewhere to live, and also pay for medical care, food and their children’s education. However, the high prices in Rwanda make this impossible for most refugees, rendering them dependent on help in order to make ends meet. But they have not given up hope of soon being able to return home.


Our project in Ruanda

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our account for donations:
IBAN: LU27 1111 0868 8772 0000

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The project in brief:

Under this project, which runs from 2021 to 2024, 320 children from refugee and disadvantaged families will have access to a kindergarten and/or elementary school near their homes. The registration fees (including school meals) as well as the school uniform and material are paid by CSI. Since some of the students are traumatized by the painful events in Burundi or by the death of a parent, they are entitled to psychological support when needed.

 This project aims not only to provide access to the kindergarten but also to free the parents to work. In the many cases where the mother or father takes care of the children alone, it is particularly important that the children are taken care of so that the parent can earn money to support the family.

Project budget:

Total project cost (2021-2024): €600 000

80% of this amount will be provided by the Luxembourg Foreign Ministry. The rest (€120 000) will be covered by CSI together with the partner organisation.

Café pour la bonne cause

Avec le café on ne peut non seulement faire quelque chose de bien à soi-même mais aussi aux autres. Car par l'achat du café équitable de CSI, vous soutenez un projet de CSI en faveur d'enfants et de jeunes défavorisés au Bangladesh. 

Le café est disponible en grains et moulu et peut être commandé chez CSI. Livraison gratuite à partir de 75 euros.


CSI Luxembourg est une organisation non-gouvernementale luxembourgeoise, qui soutient depuis 1989 des personnes marginalisées et défavorisées dans les pays en voie de développement. Notre objectif consiste à sortir ces gens de la pauvreté via des projets concrets pour leur offrir des nouvelles perspectives d'avenir.

A côté de l'aide au développement, CSI est également actif dans l'éducation au développement, c'est-à-dire que nous sensibilisons des enfants d'écoles primaires luxembourgeoises à l'importance de l'accès à l'éducation à travers différentes activités.

Compte pour les dons à CSI:
IBAN: LU27 1111 0868 8772 0000


51, rue de Strasbourg
L-2561 Luxembourg
+ 352 26 64 93 89

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